Totnes Entertainer

Dave Jackson, originally from London (Walthamstow born and bred, the land of such famous people as Iain Drury and the Blockheads and of course E17) Started his musical career by playing Bass guitar and singing with a band who called themselves “The Force” (way ahead of their time with regard to Star Wars “May the force be with you”). The band was set up with school mates from the local secondary modern school “Chapel End” and played local British legion clubs and school gigs. At the same time as “Gigging” David was working nightclubs and various venues in the south east with a company called “Goodhews” with such now infamous people as “Peter Young” and Dale Winton.

Whilst most of the “DJ’s” went on to train at various local radios stations, David went to live in Australia in 1974 where he started his career on radio working in Queensland and later main stream AM and FM radios stations in the city of Brisbane.

It wasn’t until the introduction of Karaoke in the 80’s that David really started to get into singing professionally, and went into session backing singing recording with Ozzy artists like “Kylie Minogue”; “Jason Donavon” “John Farnham” and many others, gaining a huge respect as a backing singer.

David is now available for entertainment in the Totnes and Devon area.

Call David on 0781 188 88 01 or Email Him